13 May 2015


On 13 May, Professor Catherine Barnard and Dr Amy Ludlow hosted a workshop to explore how public services can be procured in ways that secure social objectives, such as the payment of a living wage, a reduction in the use of zero hours contracts and the employment of disadvantaged or under-represented social groups (such as ex-offenders). The workshop brought together policy makers, procurement and legal practitioners, social partners and academics (approximately 60 delegates in total).

Together we discussed the challenges and potential for social procurement within the new procurement directives and regulations, explored social value in two case study contexts (criminal justice and social care), and considered ways forward by reference to examples of current good social practice and innovation. We are immensely grateful to everyone who participated in the day and to the Philomathia Foundation for funding the event.

Social Science Research for the 21st Century - Progress through Partnership

Email: philomathia@admin.cam.ac.uk